Saturday, February 16, 2019

Close The Third Eye Chakra

Close your third eye chakra with this reversed chakra meditation to close your third eye, or ajna chakra, and cut off connection with the spiritual world. If you regret opening your third eye and is overwhelmed by the symptoms and side effects of third eye meditation and is frighten by the spiritual world and maybe have an overactive third eye chakra, this guided meditation will help you close your third eye, so that you can regain control and get back your normal life free of visions and clairvoyance. The meditation we are going to do, will be a kind of reverse chakra meditation focused on the third eye where instead of opening and energizing the chakra, we will cut off the energy flow and deactivate it, so that it is less sensitive to energies around you. So start by finding a comfortable meditation posture with your back straight. Take a minute in silence to give your body time to calm down.

Now take a deep breath... inhaling... and then breathe out slowly and fully. Take another deep breath all the way down into your stomach, and then breathe out very slowly. Once again take a long deep breath inhaling... and exhaling. Feel your body getting more relaxed and heavier. Continue to breathe calmly and deeply. Loosen every tense muscles in your body so that your body is nice and relaxed. Now focus on your third eye chakra between your eyebrows. Visualize the chakra as a bright indigo glowing flower and the flower is completely open. Now imagine that when you inhale, you are pulling the leaves of the open flower inwards and causing them to close a little. So breathe in through your third eye, and allow the leaves to close behind you. Breathe out through your mouth and therefore not causing the flower to open again. Once again take a deep breathe in through your third eye chakra, causing them close even more, and then breathe out. So inhale and close the flower and exhale through your mouth.


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