Saturday, February 16, 2019

Healing Meditation of Golden Light - Healing of Body from Disease and Illness

Healing Golden Light Meditation - Healing Meditation of Body and Mind: a Guided Meditation. Healing meditation can help you replace the negative energy inside yo with more positive and healing energy, to destroy sickness, illness and disease inside your body. Use your energy body to attract the right energy that can heal you with its light and love. This guided healing meditation exercise, will focus on energizing and healing your body with a powerful visualization technique, where you will wash away the disease and negative energy with a shower in healing bright energy. For this healing meditation exercise you will need to lie down, with your hands resting beside you. Make sure your body and nice and straight and that you are comfortable. 
Now close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths. Imagine that you are lying in an empty dark room. There are no lights in the room and you can barely see anything. You lie there in the middle of this dark room. Imagine that your body is completely naked. Take a moment to scan your body and locate areas of negativity, sickness, tension and disease and see them as black spots polluting your body and your energy.

Say to yourself "I am so happy that I ones again have full control over my body, and that for every day that passes I am getting stronger and healthier. My body is glowing with healing energy and I am filled with unconditional love for myself, my life and the world around me. 
I will not be tempted by fear or distress, but I choose to believe that I have full control over my body, and if I say I am healthy, then the Universe will make sure that I am" You need to do this healing meditation exercise every single day, and you have to believe that you are able to heal your own body no matter what other people might say. This of course does not mean you should replace this with any other type of treatment. Disclaimer: I am no healer nor a doctor, and this is just an alternative treatment exercise to use alongside with other treatment. 

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