Sunday, April 14, 2019

This day is the 08th April of the international Buddhism day

This day is the 08th April of the international Buddhism day, which is a special religion for the smoke to the Buddhism of the world. In every year today, the ministry of ធា and religion has to cooperate with the king of the Royal International Women, the purpose of the same day in the world of the country of the Buddhism.

Every year, April is the day of the Buddha in the world to commemorate the Buddha, that is, " Buddha's birthday day besides remembering the mercy of Buddha, I also lend my heart a humble and peaceful mind by the Buddha of Buddha. The Cambodian ministry of religion will also invite the jushi to serve the monks on this day and pray for the earth with all the monks, and expect the world to be more peaceful and peaceful, and hope that the dharma will benefit every living person.

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