Saturday, February 16, 2019

Attract Abundance Of Wealth, Money Luck & Prosperity !! Miracle Happens While You Sleep Meditation

How to follow with my video: I am providing a step by step guide for the most effective method of using my instructional video.
 1. Find a comfortable location in the house. It can be a comfortable chair, your bed any location. Relax and calm your body. Clear your mind from all distractions. The best time for listening to this video should be prior to going to sleep or after a nap. As you are relaxed, take deep breaths and gradually you will realize that you are falling in deep sleep. As you drift off into slumber your subconscious mind gets activated. Try to visualize your strongest desires, try to figure what your heart really wants. 
 2. Now that you have visualized your desires and made sure you are aware of your wishes in life you should move on to the next step. Imagine your life with your dreams coming true. Imagine how your current life will look like once you have achieved all your dreams, fulfilled all your wishes. 
 Close your eyes and inhale slowly. While inhaling make sure you are inhaling from your stomach. Be aware of all the parts of your body, be aware of your body. Let your whole body breathe. Keep the breath within you for a while and slowly exhale. 
 Make sure you are visualizing the changes happening to your life with all the wealth in your life. How will your room look like with all the wealth in the world? How will your body look like with you consuming all the richest food in the world, all the best quality of food? Make sure you imagine living this life – how do you want your current life to look like with all the dreams in your life is fulfilled.

 The initial 10 minutes of visualization is vital to your success. Make sure you are well concentrated during those initial 10 mins. After that, as your eyes get heavy you can wander off to sleep. Don’t worry your subconscious mind is there working for you. Garnering all the positive energy for you. My music makes use of a technology called binaural beats. With the use of binaural beats, your mind is stimulated, and all the creative powers of the mind are unlocked. The mind is now aware of all the problems in your life and is activated to solve them all. But it is not an instant process. Usually, it takes about 7 mins to bring your mind into this stasis state with the external stimulus of my audio. After that let your mind listen to this audio for another 15-20 mins to experience the benefits of the process.

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