Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Maha Panna

Recently the architecture team, including the Architect, Designer, Structure Engineer and Electrical & Mechanical Engineer, flied to Cambodia again to do on-site investigation and discussed with Bhikkhunis and our General Engineer.

They participated the construction of Maha Panna Vihara with their expertise. The main issue of this discuss was about the water system-how to design a natural circulation of water in Maha Panna Vihara. The idea was to storage the water in the stone channel and use the gravity and mechanical pressure to let the river flow. The flowing water can preserve the quality of water and maintain the river clear. So, in the future, the water in the stone channel is the living water for the Bhikkhunes. If it is filtered through the nanometer, it can become drinking water. Thanks to the help of these experts; their professional design completes the construction of Maha Panna Vihara.

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