Saturday, February 16, 2019

Weight Loss Meditation - Lose Weight with this Guided Meditation

Find a comfortable meditation posture for this weight loss meditation with your back straight but relaxed. For this guided meditation exercise, we will do the surya hand mudra where you take your ring finger and fold it, so that it touches the palm of your hand or the base of your thumb and then you take your thumb and place it gently over your ring finger. This mudra is connected with the fire element, and has the ability to regulate body temperature and metabolism and help you get rid of bad cholesterol in your body and is therefore good for weight loss meditation. So place your hands on your knees if you are sitting up, or on the floor beside you if you are lying down with the palms facing upward.

Focus on your body. What does it look like? How does your body make you feel about yourself? Does your weight bother you? In what ways have it affected you during your life? Remember the last time you ate comfort food and recall the thoughts and emotions you had... why did you feel the need to eat unhealthy. Perhaps you were stressed or perhaps you were trying to fill a hole in your heart. No matter what the reason is, say to yourself "I forgive myself... I am doing the best I can" 

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