Friday, March 29, 2019

The New Look of Meditation Hall

Recently we remodify our meditation hall and give it a new look! A whole new white-stone Buddha statue which is offered by the laypeople sits on the granite rock; the rough concrete wall serves as the background—it looks like that we sit in a cave! 

Someone may be curious that why the Bhikkhunis choose these rough and unadorned materials for construction? The main reason is that we wish to create Maha Panna Vihara as an eco-temple which produce zero pollution to the land.

We use the raw materials from the mine and stack up them to be the table for the Buddha statue. We weave the leaves from Kampot Province as the sunshades. We carpet the floor with strawmat. We are trying to apply all the original and unprocessed materials in our construction to reduce the damage to the environment and preserve the purity of the land. 

After thousands of years, all these construction materials will corrode naturally without any pollution; those unprocessed large stones may be reused by the later generation. Though these construction materials look simple and unadorned, it implies the Bhikkhunis’ compassion and protection to the life as well as conveys the meaning of living by less desire and more content.

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