Saturday, March 23, 2019

“Nine leaf lotus blossom inside Maha Panna, Heaven in heart only the empty minded can reach”

Few days ago, we have a car full of visitors came from Siem Reap, they came because they saw Maha Panna’s FB and wanted to get to know the Bhikkhunis, we walked on the path, through the forest, feel the fresh air and positive energy together. 

 Bhikkhunis in Maha Panna have fully dedicated themselves into walking the path of Bhuda for the last 20 years, working hard on purifying self in order to reach selflessness, we hope to create a heaven on earth, so that everyone who comes here feels happy, feels pure.

Doesn’t matter what country, what age or what belief are the visitors who come here, we are more than happy to share this pureness, so that every visitor can wash off the dust of mind. 

You may come for a few hour or a few days, feel the energy of the universe through meditation, walking or working in the gardens. Relief the shackled heart, let it restore to serenity, and walk on the path of life again; if there is such day, that the bell of calmness rings again inside your heart, Maha Panna is the house of Bhuda where you can always recharge yourself.

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