Saturday, March 2, 2019

Soy beans and brown rices are perfect matchs in food. The golden ratio of soy beans and brown rice is 6:4.

The first step to cook soy-bean-brown-rices is to germinate soy and rice. Then boil soy beans for 12 hours. After it, put the rice in and boil together. Please note it should be cooked with high heat first and make sure it is lasting in boiling condition for one hour, then turn to low heat and keep boiling until it becomes thicker. Some experts of soy beans mention such cooking is helpful in abording the nutritions of soy beans and brown rices. Besides, the germinated soy and rice have smaller protein molecule and amylum molecule. Gernination can also change their aciity and make them easier to be abstracted by our body.

Slow boiling has lots of advantages. It can change soy beans to smaller molecule and assist to release collagen. We have eaten soybeans for many years, including soybean rice-milk and soybean brown rice. Right food plus right cooking can help us to absord the most nutritions and keep our brain clear.

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