Saturday, March 2, 2019

Panna Food

Many people ask the Bhikkhunis in Panna Vihara, “why are you so strong with such a thin body?” The secret is food. 

 In Wat Panna, we have only one rice meal per day. Every morning at 6:00 we will have brown-rice with soy beans, while having brown-rice soy milk for the lunch. In brown-rice soy milk, brown rice takes 40% and soy beans takes 60%. Both of brown-rice and soy beans need to be germinated. Cook soy beans first for 12 hours, then put the brown rice in and cook more 5-6 hours. Stir soy beans and brown rice together and it is done to eat.

With such a long time cooking, it is easily to absorb the nutrition of soy beans and brown rice. It can prevent the problem of poor digestion of protein. These foods contain high calcium content and they are especially good for the elder.

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