Thursday, February 21, 2019

Maha Panna Vihara Bhikkhunis Sangha

Today is 14th waning, Meak, Buddhia Era 2562, and Jan. 5th, 2019. It is a meaningful day to Maha Panna Vihara Bhikkhunis Sangha as we are going to ordain two Cambodian girls as Sramaneri. They have studied in Life Academy for quite some days and now choose to become female monks.

The two girls wish to continue and deepen their learning in Buddhism for leaving the suffering and gaining the happiness. Their family members are also happy with it and attend their ordination ceremony. All the Bhikkhunis meet the two new members with full of joy and send our best wishes to them. We also kindly invite all of you to share the joys and merits with us today.

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