Sunday, February 17, 2019

Cannabis Legalization

Recreational cannabis was legalized in Canada on October 17, 2018. Since then, stores have been selling cannabis to individuals 19 years or older, who can buy, use, possess and grow cannabis. How does this implicate the Muslim community? Where does cannabis fit in, from a religious standpoint? As usual, let’s get Dr. Shabir Ally’s thoughts on this topic.

Cannabis is only harmful to adults when abused by smoking it. Smoking anything is not good for you, but cannabis can be used in foods, oils and vapor which often are more effective than smoking. It does not cause increased risk of mental disorders when taken by adults with developed brains. It should only be used by children/teens/young adults with a medical need for it, under a doctors supervision. Cannabis does not lead to loss of control like alcohol does. Alcohol reduces ones inhibitions and causes them to do things they normally would not do sober, cannabis has no such effect. The closest effect cannabis has to this, is increased intake of food. I myself am a Christian, I have not read the Koran in its entirety, but I do know that the Bible speaks very favorably in regards to Cannabis. Kaneh Bosom was the key ingredient in the Holy Anointing Oil that Jesus used to help heal the sick. They did not smoke cannabis in biblical stories, but they consumed very large amounts of it orally and topically, with nothing but beneficial effects.

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