Saturday, March 2, 2019

Yoga Mediation

Dhuta Practice is an ancient Buddhist practice to discipline body and mind by removing the desire for food, clothing and shelter. It is a way of shaking off the dust and defilement of desires. Mahakashyapa was known as foremost in dhuta. When he was old, Buddha advised him to practice in Jetavana, he always replied, “I prefer dhuta practice.” Precept-taking and meditation in the focus of Bhikkhunis Sangha of Panna Vihara, we are trying to decrease our desires for matters by taking precept especially on those what to do and not to do. We are learning to nurture our patience and stamina in everyday life and walk toward a purifying road of being-no-self in every occasion. Within the inner peace, we wish to bring ease and calmness to people. Besides, Panna Vihara will put more efforts on waste reduction and recycle. We also try hard to eliminate all the chemistry products in our daily life in order to decrease the pollution to environment. Dhuta practice in modern time indicates a new lifestyle – living with less desire and more inner content. By doing so, people can easily find their inner happiness and achieve an eco-friendly condition in body, mind and spirituality.

Maha Panna Vihara is surrounded by +10000 sandal trees. When you take meditation in the woods, you may feel like an ancient monk who is experiencing the profound energy in universe. It is so called “Dwelling in an Aranya,” which illustrates a dhuta inhabiting in the forests and getting rid of all the bothering to practice purely. In Aranya(forest), you can enjoy the quietness and peacefulness of trees. Maha Panna Vihara intends to follow “Dhuta Practice” as our future practice, which helps us return to a more simple and natural life and purify the body and mind. Also, we plan to hold the event “One Day Experience as Dhuta.” In this one day event, we offer a simple vegetarian meal (rice plus one vegetable) and teach all the participants yoga meditation. You are free to choose any place in our forest to play mediation. It is a good chance to leave your busy for one day—remove your perfume, cosmetics, and beautiful clothes; turn off your mobile phone and notebook, then return a pure and nature one. We will also offer the mosquito net so you can organize your own place in the forest of Maha Panna Vihara. There is no limit in space nor electromagnetic wave. Only the natural energy flows in the air and in the woods. With birds’ singing and bugs’ chirping, it is like to having meditation in primitive forest, allowing your body and mind to be purified in Dharma. It is the reason why dhuta practice can assist us to live with less desire and leaving all the worries. Do you want to experience as a Dhuta for one day? Welcome to join our“One Day Experience as Dhuta” event.

In the visiting, Bhikkhuni Kammatthana acknowledge the well cooperation of Taiwanese Bhikkhunis and their great achievements in education, social service, and disaster relief. It inspires us to think: what else we can do to relieve the suffering of human beings and benefit them? Learned from this visiting trip, Bhikkhuni Kammatthana makes an important decision for the future Maha Panna Vihara: to study Dhuta Practice. Dhuta Practice means a natural and original practice, which removes the desire for food, clothing, and shelter. It also helps to free people’s heart from mass of matters and wastes, so that one can experience the true happiness of less desire. When you get tired of busy rush life, this quiet and peace place is waiting for you to rest your body and mind.

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