Saturday, March 2, 2019

Panna Food

In Panna Vihara, we follow Buddha’s teaching and having one meal per day. We choose breakfast as the main dinner and having light food in lunch. After lunch, we drink plant yogurt as medicine milk. 

Right understanding in diet is beneficial in our health and further helps in daily meditation. So we care food very much. In Panna Vihara, we use natural and organic ingredients as much as we can, rejecting any chemical product in food. With such doing, we can really absorb the energy of food rather than calories. We believe “energy is always better than calories.” When the cooks pay their attention in food-making, when the eaters never pick at food, your mind and intention will connect the correctly to the energy of food.

For example, today meal is soybean with brown-rice, curry, vegetables, Du-fu, kelp, and taros. Most of ingredients are homemade, such peanuts oil, soy-oil, curry powder ect. We use natural and organic ingredients and reject any chemicals. We also cook food with low-salt, low-sugar, low-oil and low heat in order to replace exquisite diet with original taste.

Everyone has to register his/her personal portion in advance. It can prevent wasting food and leftover food. Eating with proper portion is helpful to create the experience of less-desire but more content.

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