Sunday, March 10, 2019

Don't know since when, the sky in Cambodia is no longer blue?

Don't know since when, the sky in Cambodia is no longer blue? 
Throwback to more than a decade ago when nuns just moved to Cambodia, the sky was pure and clear blue, no matter the early morning or dusk, the change of daylight always attracted us to admire the mystery of nature. But recently, nuns noticed that the sky in Cambodia seemed to be a layer of grey, and the air was no longer fresh, and the earth was filled with dust. Whenever someone starts to burn the trash, and the black smoke goes up to the sky, we feel sad. The nuns are very fond of the country in Cambodia. I hope that everyone will do their best, please do not burn in the air, and give everyone a clean and clean sky.

We have no idea when it started, the sky in Cambodia is no longer blue?
More than a decade ago when the Bhikkhunis moved to Cambodia, the sky was pure and clear blue. Whether it was early morning or dusk, the color of sky was always attracted our eyes and made us admiring the greatness of the nature. However, recently we find that the sky in Cambodia seems to be covered in a grey layer; the air is no longer clean and the land is full of dust. Every time when there is someone burning garbage and producing the black thick smokes polluting the air, we feel sorry for it. We love Cambodia very much so we hope that everyone can work together to avoid burning garbage in the open space in order to save a fresh and clean sky in Cambodia.

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