Sunday, February 17, 2019

Islamic Mysticism: An Introduction to Sufi Islam

An introduction to the history, practices, and beliefs of Sufi Islam. Sufism, or tasawwuf in Arabic, is practiced by many Muslims around the world, both Shia and Sunni, as a personal, mystical, or esoteric path to God. The video includes poetry by Mawlana Rumi and Ibn Arabi, and Mevlevi whirling dervish performances.

These lessons are not given to the brain but to the soul as only it is the soul that is immortal. This knowledge is the deeper message behind ayah 42 of Zumer surah. After you see your ego in the shape of an animal and your soul as a baby/child, a saint will be appointed to you as your spiritual mana teacher. You do not pick this saint, rather God picks it in your behalf based on the spiritual needs you have. For example, if you are an angry person a very calm saint like Rumi might be given you. After this the Lord picks you among millions of people in the world and gives you a name to show you his love. Let’s dwell on this point a little bit more as there are many secrets hidden behind here. So your parents gave you a name because they love you, your wife/husband might call you in a specific name, your close friends might give you a nickname. These are all because they love you and they want to show how special you are to them by giving you a name. Well, this is exactly what God does when it give you a name. In other words, this is like God saying to you, my dear servant I love you, I picked you among millions of other people and give you a special name that only I will call you. When the final day of judgement comes, the angels will not ask you the questions to test if you are Muslim, they will already know your name, not the name that your parents gave to you, but rather the names that God has given to you. To all of the uwaises, the Siddiq Seal will be given for following the prophet, doesn’t matter your age, gender, language. One day you will see a crack in your nail/toes generally light brown colour that stays whatever you do. This follows by divine smells. When you are doing your dhikr or while praying to God, you will start to get divine smells such as rose, orchid and so on. These are also blessings of God and rewards it gives you for doing the dhikr. These smells belong to saints for example, orchid is for Mother Marry, coffee is for Uways Al-Qarni and so on

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